

Retirement planning and investment guidance

Let one of our dedicated Capitals United Investment Services advisors review and revise your retirement plan. He or she can help you explore the financial steps you can take today to improve the quality of your retirement, and recommend a common-sense investment strategy (starting with a no obligation professional portfolio review) to get you on the path to retirement readiness – no matter how far down the road it may be.


Before you start planning.

At first blush, planning for retirement might seem a little intimidating. So many questions; so many possibilities; and a long road full of twists and turns between here and there.

This guide is designed to help you more easily navigate that road – offering information, insights and resources to help you make more informed retirement planning decisions.


How this quick guide to retirement planning is organized.

No matter where you are in the retirement planning process – from those just getting started to current retirees – we provide calculators, worksheets and clear action steps that can improve your efforts and keep you on track.

The guide is divided into four sections, with each section requiring only a few minutes of time to review:


Am I saving enough for retirement? What can I change?

To retire in style, you'll probably need to continue setting money aside each year until retirement. This retirement calculator lets you project your current rate of savings into the future.

If you need to increase the amount of money you save each year, find out now.